It's not too hard to be more eloquent than I can be:
"The medical profession has done a disservice to women. They’ve turned pregnancy into a disease and childbirth into a procedure,”
~Marsden Wagner, a Swedish World Health Organization health specialist.
But wait! There's more!
This widespread inability to know what normal, humanized birth is has been summarized by the World Health Organization:
“By medicalizing birth, i.e. separating a woman from her own environment and surrounding her with strange people using strange machines to do strange things to her in an effort to assist her, the woman’s state of mind and body is so altered that her way of carrying through this intimate act must also be altered and the state of the baby born must equally be altered. The result it that it is no longer possible to know what births would have been like before these manipulations. Most health care providers no longer know what “non-medicalized birth is. The entire modern obstetric and neonatological literature is essentially based on observations of “medicalized” birth."
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