Radical Feminist Mom

Random thoughts, musings, and stuff from a feminist with a boy child and a husband who believes that the very best thing that she can do for the next generation is raise a sane man-child. And yes, by "sane" I do mean feminist and anti-racist.

Friday, April 28, 2006


I have to do some more work on this, and I'm going to say it very poorly, but the fact that African American women are disproportionally likely to have unnecessary c-sections makes me think that there's more going on than just medical convenience. Tulane University researchers published a study in the April issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

community participants tell tale after tale of how incredibly empowering natural child birth is for the women who do it.

Ok, this is a wild and crazy question, but by robbing women of the empowering experience of deliverying her own baby(ies), are we contributing to the continuing of racism, sexism, classism, et al?

I have a lot more cogitating to do... What do you think?


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