Radical Feminist Mom

Random thoughts, musings, and stuff from a feminist with a boy child and a husband who believes that the very best thing that she can do for the next generation is raise a sane man-child. And yes, by "sane" I do mean feminist and anti-racist.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Blogging for Radical Fun

What brings me fun? Joy? Delight?


I am a serious fabric-o-holic. I have a fabric stash the size of 3 closets and think that I might just have enough. Who am I kidding? I'll never have enough, even though I just bought an entire freaking bolt of the stuff.

Right now I'm working on a Baltimore Album Quilt - a quilt the very Victorian style developed by the good ladies of Baltimore in the 1840s and 1850s. There's something thrilling about taking large pieces of fabric, cutting them into smaller pieces and sewing them back together again. It just gives me shivers of joy.

Corresponding to the Joy of Quilting is the Joy of Fabric Shopping. Right now my favorite store is the Seminole Sampler. Fabulous collection of batik fabric. I'm a Batik Freak. I'm Weak for Batik.

Among quilters, fabric shopping is called SEX. Stash Enhancement eXperience. I love SEX.
  • When you go fabric shopping with your quilter buddies, it's group SEX.
  • When you buy something online, it's called cyber SEX.
  • When you do mail order, it's called phone SEX (because you have to call to place the order.)
  • When you sit at home by yourself and fondle your fabric, it's called, well, er, umm, never mind.
  • When you go to a 4 day quilt show with your closest girlfriends, stay in a hotel, drink lots of wine, complain about your spouses and children (who are not allowed to attend), buy lots of fabric and look at amazing, beautiful wonderful quilts, it's called therapy.


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